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Spiritual Bodies -The Eternal You

 If you are reading these words, you have a great prayer to remember the truth of who you really are. Please know, all offerings guided at the spiritual wellbeing level are multi-dimensional and have been co-created between our Higher Selves. All offerings guide you back to your own Higher Self, to receive the ultimate guidance through inner wisdom as direct revelations. Your Higher Self is worthy of being trusted. 

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Humanities Material Body - Prosperous and Peaceful Living In The Material World

All form is sacred. The material is simply a reflection of where our personal resonance is. Heaven on Earth is a result of being WILLING  to surrender our free will to the Divine Will and then allowing ourselves to receive the unlimited support of our Higher Selves, Our Holy Mother, Our Holy Father, Ascended Masters, and Gaia's Elements.  Our Highest Potential in this Human lifetime is accessible when we are no longer a house divided against ourselves. Not honoring that we are FULLY human and FULLY divine simultaneously is where we create the hell that stems from being a house divided against ourselves. Being on YOUR OWN TEAM creates peace! The prosperity of peace reflects a life of prosperity in every single area of our lives to include wealth consciousness in the material world. Our offerings assist you with reclaiming how worthy you are to be prosperous. We also have a recommendation of vehicles to create passive/residual/online abundance. I am very excited to be releasing many offerings in 2024 around removing all attachments to lack and scarcity. As someone who was a broke stripper to someone has created millions in assets while living a very fulfilled, balanced, and peaceful life, I feel very qualified to speak on this to help YOU HELP YOURSELF. Get ready to reconnect with your sacred imagination. 

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Integrated Physical Body - "The Temple of God" aka YOUR BODY

A physical body is a conduit of LIGHT- LITERALLY!!!! It is simple science and quantum physics. 

You are a vibrational being of light. And the higher you vibrate the better you feel! Getting HIGH on a faster vibration is what all addicts ultimately seek. Being sacred stewards of our bodies, what I like to call our sovereign temples, creates a life of heaven on earth. Honoring our body with everything it needs allows us to flourish and fully activate our highest potential. Not to mention, it lets you feel states of ecstasy and orgasmic bliss just from existing. I don't know about you, but I love orgasmic bliss simply from breathing! Tending to our human body is a must! This requires high vibrational nutrients, proper grounding, and time receiving nourishment of the elements!


If you are tired, unmotivated, uninspired, constantly hurting, having trouble sleeping, constantly craving "unhealthy foods", I assure you, you are neglecting your body. AND IT IS ATTEMPTING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! Be thankful it is offering you these feelings versus speaking poorly of it and to it. Use it's sacred communication it is offering to you through how you are feeling so you can stop the neglect! Many of us treat our animals better than our bodies. And our bodies are doing the best they can with what we give them which is often crappy food and shitty self talk. THE SELF HATRED TO KEEP ABUSING OURSELVES MUST GO! YOU ARE WORTH LOVING YOURSELF! All of my offerings are directed at being fully integrated within the physical body. All offerings are made with a foundation for YOU TO HELP YOURSELF release the self hatred through self compassion, self forgiveness, and self love!  If you are neglecting your human body,  there is either conscious or unconscious self hatred. Sometimes just having a little support can help ease the feeling of being overwhelmed on where to begin to get realigned. But if you are neglecting yourself, you deserve an immediate inquiry into your heart so you can offer yourself the love and compassion you deserve! 

Neurological Mental Body  - "The Mental Super Computer"  aka The Brain


CALLING ALL SPECIAL FORCES WITHIN YOU! This is going to take all the firing power you got! And that's okay. YOU HAVE AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF POWER!


Our brain has the ability to program any “software” as directed by our own free will. We can reprogram the neurological pathways to reflect our sovereign divine nature. So much viral programming has taken place. We must lay down all victimhood and take back our power and use our free will to reprogram our mind. This will also require using our WILL POWER to hunt all viral programs that keep us at war within from disempowering beliefs that stem from victimhood and fear.

The good news, once you are trained as your own special forces operator, it gets really fun removing disempowering viral programs and firing NEW EMPOWERING beliefs through the power of new neurological pathways. 

Side note....If you are suffering from alcohol overuse , I can help YOU HELP YOURSELF.  You are not powerless over alcohol and can reprogram yourself to be sober WITHOUT cravings, or simply reduce drinking to be a normal drinker. Visit to learn more. 

Emotional Body -Embodiment of our Christ/Buhhdic Light - Living From The Heart

The emotions of the heart are the compass to LIVING IN BLISS, EVERYDAY!!! So many of us are taught to deny our intuition and to bypass what we are truly feeling. To no longer deny our feelings but to allow them to guide us is what allows us the courage and willingness to "let go and let God".

When we let go of trying to be in control and surrender to divine intervention to realign us with our own Higher Self.

Your emotions are the holy compass back to your Higher Self.  Punishing yourself for feeling emotions, the ones society deems as “ less enlightened, negative, bad, etc...” keeps you from accessing your Higher Self. There is nothing enlightened or mature about trying to bypass or deny emotions. We can always sit with what we are feeling and communicate what we are feeling in a good way . This includes rage and anger! Anger can actually light a holy fire within you to create beautiful needed change!


Returning to emotions of the heart versus the viral programming of the mind is the intention behind all of our creations in SHINE. The mind is meant to be in divine service to the heart. But most of us has been hijacked. NOT ANYMORE!!! Your heart is calling to you. Will you answer?

You would not be reading these words if you were not ready to live in your Highest Potential to SHINE BRIGHT!Do not be afraid to fulfill the prophecies and missions that you came to fulfill. It is time to SHINE bright. Stars shine the brightest in the darkest hour. May your sacred heart be felt IN ALL IT'S FEELINGS! And may you remember how sacred these feelings are. Let them be your guide back home to the Kingdom within you!




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You will be empowered to activate your highest potential with the SHINE offerings.  When you are operating from your precious, sacred, and innocent heart you return to the Divine Wisdom of the Divine Mother. The Divine Masculine is able to fully support you with inspired actions for self actualization to live heaven on earth.


Coming into balance with the divine masculine and the divine feminine is where the prosperity of peace lives. This is the ultimate wealth and can only be found within. You are ready to embody ALL OF YOU and SHINE your own Christ light (beyond all religious context).

Check out the Offering Drop Down Menu to get more details 
on each area of the SHINE offerings. This page is going through
a beauty way make over. If any links are not working or you would like more info, simply email 

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